From Omiš to Naklice and to the Sveti Juraj chapel

A nice little hike is from Omiš to Naklice on an old mountain path and finally to Sveti Juraj Chapel near the town of Gata. The starting point is the old town of Omiš. from there, continue over the bridge and turn right onto Mosorska Cesta street direction Car Camp Lisičina. From there the path leads up to the old mountain path to Naklice. In Naklice I spoke to an older Croatian lady who told me that the old mountain path was the daily way to school in her childhood. Probably with a reason that she came so vigorously in her old age.

Along the stony path up to Naklice there are wonderful views of Omiš and the Cetina before you lose sight of the city after a few bends. Now you are on the way uphill in the coastal mountains.
Along the stony path up to Naklice there are wonderful views of Omiš and the Cetina before you lose sight of the city after a few bends. Now you are on the way uphill in the coastal mountains. Send feedback „Mirabela“ from the 13th century.
The historic path winds steadily upwards to Naklice along small and large abysses through the nature of the coastal mountains
The city slowly disappears behind the treetops and the view focuses on the mountains in the area.
After a good one to one and a half hours you finally arrived in Naklice. We continue on the country road through the village and then continue right onto the main road towards Gata.
After a while there is a guide to the little one Sveti Juraj Church to see and you follow the way until the church is finally reached. If you stand in front of the church and hold to the right on the slope, your gaze wanders in astonishment from the backdrop over the Cetina valley behind the coast and through the opening of the mountain range, Omiš appears with the mouth of the river and the Adriatic Sea.
There are several options on the way back. Back via Gata and old mountain paths along the Cetina, on the road or on our previous path.