Stuffed squid

... "Stuffed squid" prepared under the peka - just delicious! First you clean the fish - Carefully remove the jaw, skeleton and ink bladder, peel off the skin and wash under running water. Cut the tentacles / arms from the tubes and chop them for later filling. For the filling, braise fine cubes of bacon and onion - let cool in a bowl. In the meantime chop fresh herbs and garlic - then mix with the chopped arms, the bacon and the onion, add a dash of olive oil and a hint of pepper ... "Time to fire!" ...

When the fire has started, we have time for further preparation. The tubes are easily filled with a small spoon. Then the other ingredients for our "vegetable bed" are cleaned and chopped. Depending on the season and taste. There are 2 large onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 4-5 potatoes, 2 peppers, 4 tomatoes, 1/4 Hokaido pumpkin and a few chopped herbs. Now it's time to fill the enameled form with the vegetables, the filled tubes and a few slices of bacon. Lightly salt and a good dash of olive oil! Send fe

Then the peka bell is heated over or next to the fire until a nice amount of embers is created. Anticipation increases - time for a snap - "earned!"
Once the embers are perfect, they are carefully spread over the sides. The hot surface is cleaned and the enamelled pan is placed.
Time to put the heated bell over our "filled dream" and spread the embers all around and on it. The metal ring keeps the embers on the peka. Now it takes patience!
After about 20-25 minutes of cooking in the own juice of the ingredients, the embers around the peka are carefully pushed aside and the bell briefly opened to give the dish the finishing touch with 0.25 liters of good red wine. The peka is closed again and surrounded with embers. After another 20-25 minutes, the culinary dream becomes reality! Dobar tek! Good Appetite!
More delicious Peka recipes: "Onion Cake", "Veal rib", „Steak Pizza“, "Crust roast"...